The rapture is a belief that is held by many evangelicals and other fundamentalists that suggests the righteous will be called “in the blink of an eye” and taken to Heaven before the second coming of Christ. There are debates on pre-tribulation and post-tribulation rapture and there are many...

Persistence in Prayer
The Readings and Gospel for today’s commentary come from Genesis 18: 20-32, St. Paul’s letter to the Colossians 2: 12-14 and the Gospel of Luke chapter 11: 1-13. The three readings all point to the importance in our persistence in prayer. During a mass homily for these readings, the...

Lenten Reconciliation & Moral Decision Making
As we enter the Lenten season, we are reminded of the great sacrifice offered on our behalf on Good Friday, by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Jesus lived a life of humility and generosity. He taught us the lesson of loving one another as we love ourselves and...

Catholic and Protestant views of the sacraments at the time of the Council of Trent
Martin Luther’s challenging of the Catholic Theology of the time and the behaviors of the Bishops led to the reform within the Catholic Church, but the schism was permanent. Protestants had reformed much of Germany, Great Britain, Holland and Switzerland. They were unwilling to answer to the foreign Pope...

The Sacramental Seal from Biblical Times to Today
The Fathers of the Church utilized literal translation of the Bible as their guide when defining the sacramental seal. They also utilized church practices as a guide reasoning that there must be a divine approval as the practices were under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The religious traditions...

The Liturgical Year Explained
The liturgical year consists of 3 essential elements: Incarnation Cycle (Advent-Christmas), the Paschal Cycle (Lent through Pentecost) and Ordinary time (everything else). The liturgical year was developed with clear times of fasting and feasting. Lent and Advent are times of fasting while the end of the fasting is a...

How Liturgical Rites of Holy Week Developed
Holy Week is the last week of Lent, beginning with Palm Sunday, commemorating the last week of the earthly life of Christ. Frank Senn points to the Gospel of John in suggesting that the foundation for our current liturgical rites have Biblical roots. (John 12:1-2), (ITCL, Senn, p. 127)....

On Giving Moral Advice
James F Keenan wrote in his 1996 America Magazine article “On Giving Moral Advice” that there are 13 things to consider when providing guidance and insight on moral behaviors. I’ll address 6, as these will encompass the core elements that will be built upon in 7-13. Listen. Active listening...

Pastoral Approach to helping people in their moral development
We generate our ideals and ideas of moral concepts at an early age based on our upbringing. Our parents and grandparents help to define what morality means in our family. How our parents and grandparents respond to the message of the Gospels, helps to set the foundation for our...

Pastoral Approach to helping people with a moral problem or developing their spiritual/moral lives
Today, in society, with the ease of accessibility to pornography, dating websites, chat rooms, drugs and other vices, we can hide behind a character of our creation and separate ourselves from the Law of Virtue. We can easily put our morality and spirituality in a box and escape in...